CSV File Information (PrefixINFO) Data Structure

The variables described in this section are used by the CSV APIs and contain information about the CSV file.

Field Description


The number of fields defined in the file


The number of records in the file.


The file handle. Up to 10 characters.


Indicates the status of the file.

Y = the file is open.

N = the file is closed.

The default is N.


Indicates whether the file exists.


The file name. The name can be up to 60 characters.


One character.


A field made up of the following subfields:

  • P<Prefix>NF#HSHDR

    The default is Y.

  • P<Prefix>NF#XLTHDR

    The default is Y.

  • P<Prefix>NF#DTFMT

    The default is CCYYMMDD.

  • P<Prefix>NF#FLDSEP

    The default is a comma.

  • P<Prefix>NF#DTSP

    The default is a forward slash.

  • P<Prefix>NF#DTSP

    The default is a colon.

  • P<Prefix>NF#DECSEP

    The default is a period.

  • P<Prefix>NF#THSP

    The default is no separator.

  • P<Prefix>NF#QTCHR

    The default is a double quote.

  • P<Prefix>NF#FLTRM

    The file termination character.

  • P<Prefix>NF#LNTRM

    The line termination character.

  • P<Prefix>NF#MSCOPT


The 30-character field name to be changed is moved to the OLD-FLD-NAME field. If this value is spaces, the corresponding value on the file's FLD-DESC field is not changed.


The new 30-character field name is moved to the NEW-FLD-NAME field. If this value is spaces, the corresponding value on the file's FLD-DESC field is not changed.

The new field name is also used in matching columns and fields from an input CSV file. The matching field names and type values are not case sensitive.


The new 10-character field type is entered as the text name for an element type.