How This Manual Is Organized
This manual is a reference document for system and application programmers responsible for special user programs that require services from the global routines. It describes how to use each routine and the services provided by the routine.
This manual assumes that you are familiar with Lawson Software naming conventions, Lawson 4GL language, the RPG programming language, and application definition techniques. For details, see Application Development Workbench Standards.
Section | Contents |
Describes each data structure and comments on any special programming considerations. | |
Describes each procedural library and each entry in that library. Routine inputs and outputs are described. Programming examples show how to use each routine. | |
Provides routines for date and time processing. | |
Provides routines that allow users to create and submit batch jobs using online and batch programs. | |
Describes the generated input and output routines for database processing. | |
Describes the routines used to update, modify, or delete database records. | |
Describes the creation and use of database filters. | |
Describes routines for processing comma-separated variable files, Examples show the use of each routine. | |
Describes routines for attaching comments and URL and e-mail addresses to files. | |
Describes routines for determining the taxing jurisdiction and calculating sales and use taxes. Examples show the use of each routine. | |
Describes APIs that you might see in the source code, but you should no longer use. |