Comment Attachment Variables

The following variables can be used to supply values to existing or new comments in the attachments database files.

The variable names in this table include the three-character database file prefix (<Prefix>). For example, if the program is using the file COMPANY, then the variable D<Prefix>@C@TYPE would be DCOM@C@TYPE..

Variable Description
D<Prefix>@C@TYPE A one-character user-defined type of the comment as defined in the SC.or file or by the routine CCREATE.
D<Prefix>@C@SIZE The size of the comment, in bytes.
D<Prefix>@C@NAME The name of the comment, as defined in the SC .or file or by the routine CCREATE. The name can be up to 50 characters long.
D<Prefix>@C@EXTX Up to 127 bytes of text from the comment. The amount of text put into this buffer is determined by the variable D<Prefix>@C@EXTXSZ.

The size of the comment text segment retrieved, stored, or appended. You can specify segments up to 127 bytes long.

To preserve spacing within a comment, you can set this variable to the size of the text being appended to the comment.

A value of zero in this variable tells the API to trim trailing spaces. Lawson recommends using a value of zero for this variable when the end of the comment is being appended.

D<Prefix>@C@EXOF The position at which to start reading text.
D<Prefix>@C@NEOT When TRUE, there is still more text in the comment that has not been read.
D<Prefix>@C@EOT When TRUE, the end of the text in the comment has been reached.
D<Prefix>@C@OPHRRT When TRUE, carriage returns in the comment will be preserved.
D<Prefix>@C@OPSFRT When TRUE, word wrap is applied to the text read into the D<Prefix>@C@EXTX buffer.
D<Prefix>@C@NOHRRT When TRUE, carriage returns in the comment are ignored.
D<Prefix>@C@NOSFRT When TRUE, word wrap is not applied to the text read into the D<Prefix>@C@EXTX buffer.
D<Prefix>@C@DTUSR If TRUE, it will use whatever was put into date and time fields instead of auto-filling creation and modification date and time.

The sort order that determines which attachments are retrieved.

Enter one of the following to sort by:

0 Name.

1 Date and time of creation.

2 Date and time of modification.

D<Prefix>@C@CRTDT Date of comment creation.
D<Prefix>@C@CRTTM Time of comment creation.
D<Prefix>@C@CRTUSR User who created the comment.
D<Prefix>@C@MODDT The last date that the comment was modified.
D<Prefix>@C@MODUSR The user who last modified the comment.

0 = Found.

1 = Not found.

3 = Error.


0 = Normal mode.

1 = Keyfind mode.