Moving a Key Field Value to Retrieve a Record

Move the identifying key field values to a set of record retrieval variables ( D@ fields) using the following format:
     EVAL      D@<field-name>       = <key-field>

For example, to find a record in the GLMASTER file, you must set the Company, Acct-Unit, Account, and Sub-Account key field values in the appropriate D@ fields. If the key values currently reside in your working storage, use the following series of EVAL commands to fill the D@ fields:

     EVAL      D@CMPNY        = PGL00WS@CMPNY   
     EVAL      D@ACCUNT       = DGLMACCUNT  
     EVAL      D@ACCNT        = DGLMACCNT 
     EVAL      D@SBACCN       = DGLMSBACCN