


On the first call, this API opens the file for output if it is not already open. If it has a header, it formats and writes the header, and determines from the use flags the order the fields are to be written (for information, see Use Flag (UF) Fields).

Note: the first write to an unopened file cannot occur within a transaction state.

On subsequent calls, it formats and writes a record with data from working storage (REC area), writing only those fields with use flags on.

Return Values

One record is written in the CSV work file.

Programming Example: Writing to a CSV File

CALLP     S@CSVOPOUT@WFT                               OpnOutput WFGLTRANS    000000
CALLP     S@CSVALLUS@WFT                               All Used WFGLTRANS     000000
CALLP     DN@DBGLGLT1(E@DBFINDGE)                                             000000
DOW       DGLT@NOTFOUND = FALSE                                               000000
          AND DGLTCMPNY = D@CMPNY                                             000000
CALLP     SUNGLTR                                      Unload Gltrans         000000
ENDDO                                                                         000000
CALLP     S@CSVCLOSE@WFT                               Close WFGLTRANS        000000

* SUNGLTR - Unload Gltrans                                                      
 SUNGLTR         B                   EXPORT                                       
 SUNGLTR         PI                                                              
 IF        PWS@PRDADJ <> *ZEROS                                          
 IF        DGLTACCPRD = 99                                               
 GOTO      GUNGLTR@NXGLT                                                 
 EVAL      WWFTGLTFSC     = DGLTFSCLYR                                   
 EVAL      WWFTGLTACC     = DGLTACCPRD                                   
 EVAL      WWFTGLCOGR     = DGLTCNTRGR                                   
 EVAL      WWFTGLSQ       = DGLTJSQNC                                    
 EVAL      WWFTGLTSYS     = DGLTSYSTEM                                   
. . . 
 EVAL      WWFTGLRPT2     = DGLTRPRT2            
 EVAL      WWFTGLND       = DGLTRPTND2         
 CALLP     S@CSVWRITE@WFT                               
GUNGLTR@NXGLT TAG                                               
 CALLP     DN@DBGLGLT1(E@DBFINDNXT)                          
 SUNGLTR         E                                                       