User Exit Templates

Lawson delivers the user exit template in the SAMPLESRC file in the Lawson Environment library.

PR15B User Exit Template

The PR15B user exit template provides a starting point for creating user exits. It is easiest to use this template if you are creating a beginning user exit for a header/detail form, but you can modify the template for other user exits and form types as well. For other user exit types, you must change the last letter to M or E, and, for forms without detail lines, you must delete the detail sections.

PR15B User Exit Template

  * ++++++++++                                  
  * Change the program name to the desired User Exit name:           
  * %%%%%%%%%%                                                       
 H/TITLE   EMPLOYEE DEDUCTION SPEED ENTRY                            
 H/COPY COMRPGSRC,PROGRAMH                                           
 H ACTGRP(*CALLER) BNDDIR('LARPGRTS')                                
  *This is a sample User Exit program which has an added edit to     
  *  insure that a User Name entered on PR15 2 is ANELSON or         
  *  MOLSON.  All areas of this template User Exit program           
  *  that may be changed are documented with comments below.         
  *  The purpose of the changes for each section is identified,      
  *  and each section is delimited by "* ++++++++++" to begin        
  *  the section and "* %%%%%%%%%%" to end the section.              
 D/COPY COMRPGSRC,LAWSOND                                            
* ++++++++++                                                     
  * Change the screen definition copy member and source file to    
  *   the name of the screen that will be using this User Exit:    
  * %%%%%%%%%%                                                     
 D/COPY PRRPGSRC,PR15DSD                                           
 D S2@TRANSACT     PR                                              
 D S2@EDTTRN       PR                                              
 D S2@EDTACC       PR                                              
 D S2@EDEDDT       PR                                              
 D S2@EDTDTL       PR 
 D S2@PRCTRN       PR                                      
 D S2@A410         PR                                      
 D S2@C420         PR                                      
 D S2@L422         PR                                      
 D S2@D430         PR                                      
 D S2@I480         PR                                      
 D S2@MVSCRN       PR                                      
 D S2@MVDTLD       PR                                      
 D S2@ADCTGR       PR                                      
 D S2@CHNCTG       PR                                      
 D S2@UPDMXB       PR                                                  
 C*          M A I N     P R O G R A M                                 
 * ++++++++++                                                         
 * As a rule, scan for and replace "GL05 2" with the                  
 *   <program name> <space> <screen number> of the program
 *   which will invoke this User Exit (e.g. "PR15 2" for <PR15>
 *  <screen 2>). Also, replace "GL052" with <program name>
 *  <screen number> (no space) even when appended with an "A" 
 *  or an "S" (e.g. "GL052" becomes "Pr152", again for <PR15>
 *  <screen 2>).  See other comments (below) for more info.
 * %%%%%%%%%%                                                       
 C     *ENTRY        PLIST                                           
 C                   PARM                    E@ENTRY@CNTRL           
 C                   PARM                    E@ENTRY@SCREEN          
 C                   EVAL      E@SCREENDATA@P = %ADDR(E@ENTRY@SCREEN)    
 C                   EVAL      E@CONTROL@P    = %ADDR(E@ENTRY@CNTRL)       
 C                   IF        E@SCRNCODE = 'PR152'                        
 C                   CALLP     S2@TRANSACT                                 
 C                   ELSE                                                  
 C                   EVAL      E@CRTMESSAGE   = 'TRANSACTION NOT FOUND'    
 C                   EVAL      E@REQUEST      = E@SNDMESSAGE               
 C                   GOTO      G0@@EXIT                                    
 C                   ENDIF                                                 
 C     G0@@EXIT      TAG                            
 C                   RETURN                         
 C/COPY COMRPGSRC,LAWSONC                                                   *
P S2@TRANSACT     B                                                     
D S2@TRANSACT     PI                                                    
C                   CALLP     S2@EDTTRN                                    Edit Tran
P S2@TRANSACT     E                                                                 
C* S2@EDTTRN - Edit Tran                                                            
P S2@EDTTRN       B                                                                 
D S2@EDTTRN       PI                                                                
C                   IF        F2@FC = 'A'                                           
C                             OR F2@FC = 'C'                                        
C                   CALLP     S2@EDEDDT                                    Edit Data
C                   RETURN                                                          
C                   ENDIF                                                           
P S2@EDTTRN       E                                                                 
C* S2@EDEDDT - Edit Data                                                            
P S2@EDEDDT       B 
D S2@EDEDDT       PI                                                                     
C* ++++++++++++++++++++++ *                                                              
C* This area can be used to perform user edits on the                                    
C* header record area of the screen.                                                     
C* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *                                                              
C                   IF        E@USERNAME <>'ANELSON'                                     
C                             AND E@USERNAME <> 'MOLSON'                                 
C                   EVAL      E@ERRORNBR = 914                                           
C                   ENDIF                                                                
C                   EVAL      I1             = 1                                         
C                   DOW       I1 <= 11                                                   
C                             AND E@ERRORNBR = *ZEROS                                    
C                   CALLP     S2@EDTDTL                                    Edit Dtl Tran 
C                   ADD       1             I1                                           
C                   ENDDO                                                                
P S2@EDEDDT       E                                                                      

C* S2@EDTDTL - Edit Dtl Tran 
P S2@EDTDTL       B                                             
C                   IF        F2@LINEFC(I1) = *BLANKS           
C                   RETURN                                      
C                   ENDIF                                       
 * ++++++++++                                                   

* The following is an example user edit.  Change the field     
 *   names to those of the program that invokes this User Exit. 
 *   Change the logic to perform the edit (or edits) that you   
 *   desire.  This example edit insures that the deduction %    
 *   is not greater than 50%.                                   
 * %%%%%%%%%%                                                   
C                   IF        F2@LINEFC(I1) = 'A'               
C                             OR F2@LINEFC(I1) = 'C'            
C                   IF        F2@EDNXAM (I1) > 50               

* ********** NOTE: Error messages are defined by moving a number       
 *   (in this case, 915) to "E@ERRORNBR".  Lawson starts standard       
 *   error numbers at 1 and goes up.  To prevent conflicts,             
 *   User Exit error numbers should start at 998 and go down.           
 *   *** IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE '999' FOR AN ERROR NUMBER. ***           
 *   Add text for the error number by using program LA10 in             
 *   Universe, using the catagory of the program name (in this          
 *   case "PR15"):                                                      
 * %%%%%%%%%%                                                           
C                   EVAL      E@ERRORNBR     = 915                      
 * ********** NOTE: Z-ADDing the "Field Number" (N1...) field to        
 *   "E@FIELDNBR" causes the cursor to move to that field               
 *   (as in the case of an error):                                      
 * %%%%%%%%%%                                                           
C                   EVAL      E@FIELDNBR     = F2FN@EDNXAM (I1)         
C                   ENDIF                                               
C                   ENDIF                                               
P S2@EDTDTL       E 
P/COPY COMRPGSRC,LAWSONP                                             
****************** End of data ************************************