Form Tab Commands

The following commands are for defining form tabs.




The $TAB-REGION command indicates that a series of tab folders will be drawn on the form, with names as defined in the $TAB-FORM commands that follow. Any buttons, fields, or display text before the tab region appears above the tab region on the form.

The developer can define up to five tab regions. Any fields and command buttons placed after the $END-REGION command appear on the form below the tab folder. In a tab region, there can be up to 30 tab forms, each with their own name, fields, and actions, as defined in the $TRANS section. The size of the region (number of lines) is determined by the largest tab ($TAB-FORM) defined in the region.

The $END-REGION command indicates the end of this tab region.


$TAB-FORM TabName "DisplayedName"

$END-TAB TabName

The $TAB-FORM and $END-TAB commands delimit the tab form in the form layout portion of the file. Form tabs display in the order that they are defined in the form layout. Place the fields and their layout between these commands as you would for a normal form layout definition.

A tab follows the same rules as the form definition, except that columns 1 and 80 are reserved as graphical boundaries for the tab. If the form is in a $TAB-DETAIL, columns 2 and 79 are also reserved.

Note: If the form is defined as $WINDOW, the tab form uses two more columns than the form uses.

When using tabs, the number of available lines on a form is the same (22) but the painting of the tab folder uses lines below the form that are not normally available for applications.

$DRAW commands are supported in a tab form. Each $DRAW is specific to the tab form that it is defined in. When the $DRAW command is to apply only to a particular form, it follows the $TAB-FORM command. For instructions on using the $DRAW commands, see Defining Graphical Elements

Parameter Description

Optional. The name that identifies the tab in the program. This name must also be entered as a field in the $TRANS section as an AF-type field. The Tab folder form name must start in column 12.

For more information, see 4GL Field Name.


The tab name displayed on the form. This text must start in column 30 and be contained in quotes.

Note: Adding spaces before and after the tab name on the $TAB-FORM command can be helpful when graphical boundaries are drawn around the tab.




The $TAB-DETAIL command is similar to the $TAB-REGION in that it indicates that a series of tabbed folders will be drawn on the form. The $TAB-DETAIL command defines a region that is associated with a detail area in the Transaction Data section of the program. This region can contain many detail tab forms that refer to the detail area. Only data for the active detail line displays. To display data from another detail line, a different detail line must be activated. To use this option, the detail tab must be preceded by a detail area. The link is resolved by entering a plus sign (+) in column 8 in the transaction section to indicate that the fields defined in the form map section that follows the detail area are associated with the detail folder tab region.



The $TAB-FOLDER command specifies that graphical form tabs will be drawn for forms appearing in the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID) and related pages will be available for forms in Lawson Portal. The tabs size to fit the header text. When more tabs are specified than fit on one line, the tabs either scroll off the form (for information, see $TAB-SCROLL) or stack in multiple rows on the form so that all tabs are visible. Graphical tabs (using the $TAB-FOLDER command) require three lines on the form for the first row of tabs and two lines for each subsequent row. Tabs created without the $TAB-FOLDER command require only one line on the form. If this command is not present, form tab functionality is available, but form tabs are presented without graphical outlines.

This command is not needed for the graphical presentation of form tabs in graphical user interfaces. If this command is not present, form tab functionality is available in non-graphical user interfaces, but form tabs are presented without graphical outlines.

This command must follow the $TAB-REGION command and be followed by a $TAB-FORM command.



The $TAB-SCROLL command indicates that the tabs should scroll off the form rather than be stacked in multiple rows on the form n the Lawson Interface Desktop (LID). When using this command, left and right arrows display on the upper right side of the folder tab when scrolling to other folder forms is possible.

This command must follow the $TAB-REGION command and be followed by a $TAB-FORM command.