Compiling Form and Object Rules

Compile Form and Object Rules compiles the form rules files and the object rules files in a product line. You do not have to define both a form rules file and an object rules file for an application system to run Compile Form and Object Rules.

Each form rules file in a product line is compiled to an individual file (map). The name of each map has the format:


For example, the form rules file for the product line lawapp9, and the system code AP is:


The object rules files in a product line, however, are compiled to a single map. The name of this map has the format:


To compile form and object rules

At the Qshell command line, type

srgen productline [systemcode . . .]

where productline is product line of the rule source files you want to compile, and systemcode is the system code of the form rules source file you want to compile. Leave blank to compile the form rules source files for all system codes in the product line. Because a product line has only one OrMap, all object rules source files in the product line compile regardless of whether or not you enter a system code.