Viewing State and Event Information

Use this procedure to view the state and event information that is part of a file definition. Note that programs that use that file may have been modified such that the program no longer reflects the original state and event information.

For more information on states and events, see States and Events.

To view state and event information

  1. Access the Database Definition utility (dbdef).
  2. Select a product line, press Define (F6), and then select Files.
  3. Select the file whose information you want to view.
  4. On the File Definition form of the Database Definition tool, press Define (F6) and choose States.

    The State And Event Definition form appears. This form lists the file’s states, events, and any rules associated with the first state.

  5. To view the rules for other states, use the down arrow to select a different state. The rules for that state appear in the far right column.
  6. To view the rules for an event use the right arrow to move to the Event column, and then use the down arrow to move to the event whose rules you want to view. When you select an event, the rules for that even appear in the far right column.