This section shows the data structures for E@CONTROL and E@SCREENDATA. E@CONTROL and E@SCREENDATA are parameters used by application programs to communicate with the user interface. For more information about some of the E@CONTROL fields, see Selected Field Descriptions.

Data Structures

1765+D E@CONTROL       DS                  BASED(E@CONTROL@P)                   CRT-CONTROL     
1766+D E@FIELDNBR                     5U 0                                      CRT-FIELD-NBR   
1767+D E@RETURNCODE                   5I 0                                      WS-RETURN-CODE   
1768+D E@PRODUCTLINE                 14                                         WS-DB-PRODUCT-LINE
1769+D E@PGMCODE                      5                                         CRT-PROGRAM-CODE
1770+D E@TOKEN                       10                                         CRT-TOKEN 
1771+D E@CRTDFLTPRNTR                10                                         CRT-DEFAULT-PRINTER 
1772+D E@JOBUSER                     10                                         CRT-JOB-USER 
1773+D E@JBDBUIDKEY                  10    OVERLAY(E@JOBUSER)                   CRT-JB-DBUIDKEY 
1774+D E@JOBDBUIDKEY                 10    OVERLAY(E@JBDBUIDKEY: 1)             CRT-JOB-DBUIDKEY 
1775+D E@JOBUSERNAME                 30                                         CRT-JOB-USER-NAME 
1776+D E@JOBNAME                     10                                         CRT-JOB-NAME 
1777+D E@STEPKEY                      5S 0                                      CRT-STEP-KEY 
1778+D E@STEPNBR                      5S 0                                      CRT-STEP-NBR 
1779+D E@ERRORCAT                     5                                         CRT-ERROR-CAT 
1780+D E@ERRORNBR                     3S 0                                      CRT-ERROR-NBR
1781+D E@MSGNBR                       3S 0                                      CRT-MSG-NBR
1782+D E@ERRORMSG                    60                                         CRT-ERROR-MSG 
1783+D E@SECURITY                     1                                         CRT-SECURITY 
1784+D E@SCHRECLEVEL                  3S 0                                      CRT-SCH-RECORD-LEVEL
1785+D E@USERNAME                    30                                         CRT-USER-NAME
1786+D E@CURDBUIDKEY                 30    OVERLAY(E@USERNAME)                  CRT-UR-DBUIDKEY 
1787+D E@CUSRDBUIDKEY                30    OVERLAY(E@CURDBUIDKEY: 1)            CRT-USER-DBUIDKEY
1788+D E@CUSRDSPLYNM                 30                                         .T-USER-DISPLAY-NAME 
1789+D E@SCRCODE                      6                                         CRT-SCR-CODE 
1790+D E@SCRCODEDTL                   6    OVERLAY(E@SCRCODE)                   CRT-SCR-CODE-DTL 
1791+D E@SCRNCODE                     5    OVERLAY(E@SCRCODEDTL: 1)             CRT-SCREEN-CODE
1792+D E@SCREENNAME                   4    OVERLAY(E@SCRNCODE: 1)               CRT-SCREEN-NAME 
1793+D E@SCRNNBR                      1S 0 OVERLAY(E@SCRNCODE: 5)               CRT-SCREEN-NUMBER 
1794+D E@SCRNTYPE                     1    OVERLAY(E@SCRCODEDTL: 6)             CRT-SCREEN-TYPE 
1795+D E@USERXFER                     1                                         CRT-USER-XFER 
1796+D E@REQUEST                      1S 0                                      CRT-REQUEST 
1797+D E@PASSFC                       1                                         CRT-PASS-FC 
1798+D E@DISPLAYFC                    1                                         CRT-DISPLAY-FC
1799+D E@CRTMESSAGE                  60                                         CRT-MESSAGE
1800+D E@PARAMETER                   50                                         CRT-PARAMETER
1801+D E@EXITCODE                     1                                         CRT-EXIT-CODE
1802+D E@EXECCODE                     1                                         CRT-EXEC-CODE
1803+D E@ERRORVARS                  100                                         CRT-ERROR-VARIABLES
1804+D E@ERRVAR1                     20    OVERLAY(E@ERRORVARS: 1)              CRT-ERR-VAR1 
1805+D E@ERRVAR2                     20    OVERLAY(E@ERRORVARS: 21)             CRT-ERR-VAR2  
1806+D E@ERRVAR3                     20    OVERLAY(E@ERRORVARS: 41)             CRT-ERR-VAR3    
1807+D E@ERRVAR4                     20    OVERLAY(E@ERRORVARS: 61)             CRT-ERR-VAR4 
1808+D E@ERRVAR5                     20    OVERLAY(E@ERRORVARS: 81)             CRT-ERR-VAR5 
1809+D E@NBRDETAILS                   2S 0                                      CRT-NBR-DETAILS 
1810+D E@LAWSONUSER                  40                                         CRT-LAWSON-USER
1811+D E@AUTHUSER                    40                                         CRT-AUTH-USER 
1812+D* RPG support                                                           
1813+D E@@RUNUSER                    10                                        
1814+D E@PARAMERR                     1S 0                                      WS-PARAMETER-ERROR 
1815+D E@@CALLOKAY                    1                                         
1816+D                               11                                         
1817+D E@SCREENDATA    DS                  BASED(E@SCREENDATA@P)                CRT-TRANSACTION 
1818+D                                8                                         
1819+D E@FC                           1                                         CRT-FC
1820+D                            15791  

Selected Field Descriptions

Field Description
E@FIELDNBR Field number (used to position the cursor on field that is in error).
E@ERRORCAT Error category (ususally corresponds to program name, such as GL00).
E@ERRORNBR Error number.
E@MSGNBR Message number.
E@ERRORMSG Error message text.
E@USERNAME User name (from user IBM i user profile).
E@SCRCODE Screen code.
E@SCRNNBR Screen number.
E@REQUEST Used when user requests a transfer to another form or screen (such as to GL00.2 from GL00.1).
E@CRTMESSAGE Message text
E@ERRORVARS This field and the following five are used for error variables (when error messages contain variable information).
E@ERRVAR1 Value for first variable in error message.
E@ERRVAR2 Value for second variable in error message.
E@ERRVAR3 Value for third variable in error message.
E@ERRVAR4 Value for fourth variable in error message.
E@ERRVAR5 Value for fifth variable in error message.
E@FC Function code.