Conditional Rules

You can define rules within a structure of conditional statements, called conditional rules. Often, you can accomplish this better by defining the rules within a subtype. Sometimes this is not possible (if, for example, the conditions required are embedded within other conditions).

For the procedure to define conditional rules, see Defining Conditional Rules.


If an employee is hourly (If (Hourly Pay Typ)), you must type the hourly pay (Hourly Pay Is Required). The system displays an error message if you type a salary, that is, the condition (Salary Not Ent) is not true. If an employee is not hourly, you must type a salary (Salary Is Required). The system displays an error message if you type the hourly pay, that is, the condition (Hourly Not Ent) is not true.

If (Hourly Pay Typ)
FldRel (Salary Not Ent)
     Salary Not Valid For Hourly Employee
    Hourly Pay Is Required
   FldRel (Hourly Not Ent)
     Hourly Pay Not Valid For Salaried Employee
   Salary Is Required