User Exit Overview

User exits refer to the ability of users to add user-defined edits that apply to the Lawson system without modifying any Lawson program. That is, users can apply a set of business rules to the application software without directly changing the application software. For example, users could, without modifying the Accounts Payable system, prevent the creation of an invoice over $10,000 for a selected set of vendors. By not modifying the Accounts Payable system, users and clients avoid having the modification overwritten the next time the affected programs are changed or upgraded by Lawson. Or, through a user exit, you could add the ability to capture data to send to another application.

You create user exits by setting up special user-exit programs. At predefined points, the Lawson software checks for the existence of these programs. If found, the programs are executed and thus any special edits or processing that they provide are applied.

You can create three types of user-exit programs. They are distinguished by when they are applied. The letter appended to the program name indicates the type.

Type Sample Name Description
Beginning (B) PR15B Edits are applied after any edits by the user interface but before any edits by the application program.
Middle (M) No sample needed Edits are done after the application program edits but before any database files are updated. Note Edits at this point are risky because you cannot send an error message alerting the user to any problems with the data.
End (E) No sample needed Edits are done after all of the following: user interface edits, application program edits, and any database file updates.