Verify Java SDK requirements

The Java SDK is used by the following system components:

  • The Lawson installer program. The Java SDK must reside on each machine where the program will be run.

  • The web server and/or application server

  • The Lawson system

All Lawson components in the system must point to the same Java SDK.

  1. Set $JAVA_HOME to the directory where you installed the Java SDK.
  2. At the Qshell command line, type:

    export JAVA_HOME=/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk70/64bit

  3. Verify that the correct version of the Java SDK is installed. At the command line, type

    java -version

    Note: If the java -version command does not return the correct version of Java , you may have more than one version of Java on your machine. Ensure the PATH variable points to the correct version of Java.