Delete the Environment and clean up files

  1. Review this procedure to note which items will be deleted. Ensure that you do not have object locks on items to be removed.
  2. From the OS/400 command line:

    endsbs LAWENVNAME *immed

    dltjobd LAWENVNAME

    dltjobd LAWENVNAMELS

    dltjobq LAWENVNAME

    dltsbsd LAWENVNAME

    dltlib LAWENVNAME

    dltmsgq LAWENVNAME

    dltusrprf LAWENVNAME

    dltusrprf WebSphereUserName ownobjopt(*DLT)


    LAWENVNAME is the name of the Environment you are removing

    WebSphereUserName is the OS WebSphere user you created, for example LSFPROD1WS.

  3. If you installed Lawson Core Technology on an IASP, at the OS/400 command prompt, type


  4. From the OS/400 command line

    call lawenvm

    find LAWENVNAME and delete it.

    Note: You will need to select Opt. 4. Others (Errors in SBSD).
  5. Delete the LID service.
    1. From the OS/400 command line, type:


    2. Page down to find LAWENVNAME/UNIVSRV.
    3. Enter option 4 for LAWENVNAME/UNIVSRV and press Enter.
  6. Clean out databases for GEN, LOGAN, and applications. Type

    DLTLIB {dbname}

    You will need to recreate the GEN and LOGAN databases before you re-install Lawson Core Technology.