Update the LDAP Bind service on Landmark

  1. Launch Infor Rich Client for the gen data area.
  2. Perform a search for Login.
  3. Double click the Login Scheme business class.
  4. Search for the LoginScheme that is associated with the LDAP Bind Service. The name might be similar to, for example, SSOPV2_LDAP_BIND or THICKCLIENTLDAPLM.
    Note: There could be more than one LoginScheme that uses LDAP Bind.
  5. Double click on the LoginScheme to open the properties screen.
  6. Click on the LDAP Bind Properties tab.
  7. Update the entry for Provider:
    From: ldap://<LDAP_BIND_Server>:389
    To: ldaps:// <LDAP_BIND_Server>:636
  8. Save the update.