Export the LDAP Bind service on LSF

  1. From LID or an administration command window, launch the ssoconfig utility. Specify ssoconfig -c .
  2. From the main menu, select the number that corresponds to Manage Lawson Services and press Enter.
  3. From the next prompt, select the number that corresponds to Export service and identity info and press Enter. At the next prompt, select NO and press Enter.
  4. At the prompt, Enter the name of your LDAP Bind service, provide the name of your LDAP Bind service, for example: LDAPBIND_SVC.
  5. At the prompt to export identities, specify NONE
  6. Provide a name for your export file, for example: LDAPBIND_SVC_Current.xml.
    The export file will be created in the current directory.
  7. Exit ssoconfig.