Adding an SSOP Identity for a User

This procedure describes how to add an identity on the SSOP service for a user. All users must have an identity on the SSOP service. This procedure guides you through the second screen in the Lawson Security Administrator Add User Wizard.

To add an SSOP identity for a user

  1. From the list of services that appears in the Add Identities dialog box, select SSOP.
    Form clip: Adding an SSOP identity for a user

    A dialog box for adding user and password information appears. This is the box where you will type user ID and password information for this specific user (not an operating system user).

  2. In the USER field, type a unique ID for this user. This is the ID that the user will use to log in to the system. It does not have to be the RMID but it can be if that is the convention at your site.
  3. Type a password for this user in the PASSWORD field. You will be prompted to confirm this password by typing it a second time.

    (If you are using the LDAP bind method to add users, the PASSWORD field does not appear.)

  4. Click Edit and then click Add.

    You should see the message "Identity added."

    You have now completed adding identities that are required for all users. If you need to add additional identities for this user, you can do so now.

  5. When you are finished adding identities, click Next.

    A dialog box for adding Environment Information appears.

    You are now ready to add Environment information for the new user.

    For more information, see the section "Add Environment Information (Basic) for the New User".