Adding users and their identities to the Lawson system
There are several ways to add Lawson users and identities to the system. How you choose to do it depends on many factors, especially number of users at your site.
When to do it
When you set up Lawson initially.
You also need to perform it any time you add a new user to the system or need to add an identity for a user to a product that requires an identity.
How to do it on a federated system
Federated systems are two (or more) Lawson systems that share user and other important information. For example, if you use Version 10 applications that are both LSF-and Landmark-based, your system is federated. These instructions describe what needs to be done to add new users to the system.
To add a single user who is not currently in the Lawson system:
You will do this using the Lawson Security Services administrator tool, following steps described in the Lawson Security Services Administration Guide.
How to do it on an LSF standalone system
To add a single user who is not currently in the Lawson system:
From the Lawson Security Administrator, use the Add User wizard. This will walk you through the screens for adding all required information about the user and will let you set up the user on the identities that the user needs.
This method is a practical way to add new users, even if you have a significant number of users to add.