Widget types

The widgets dashboard consists of Trial Balance, Overdue Invoice, and Open Invoice widget types.

Trial Balance

A Trial Balance widget contains these fields:
The company where the data is coming from. It could be a Company Group containing the list of companies added to the report.
Accounting Unit
The specific level containing the set of accounts.
Account Number From
The starting range of the Account Number to be filtered.
Account Number To
The ending range of the Account Number to be filtered.
Sort Field
Identifies which type of balances (Posted, Beginning and Ending Balance) will be sorted.
Sort Order
The arrangement of account balances; whether the data is displayed in ascending or descending order.

Overdue Invoice

An Overdue Invoice widget contains these fields:
A valid vendor for the invoice. Additional required field for Overdue Invoice.
Represents the currency of the invoice.
Aging Periods
Defines the set of aging periods used for aging invoices.

Open Invoice

An Open Invoice widget contains these fields:
Process Level
The process level included in the report.
The list of employees to include on the Open Invoice widget. If left blank, the top 10 employees who processed the most number of invoices are displayed.
Note: The filters for the widget types are optional fields. If left blank, the first record in the report is shown as the default data.