Resetting the default form

Use this procedure to change the default form from the Lawson-delivered version to your new customization. If you are required to revert to the Lawson version of the form, you would also perform this procedure. This procedure can be performed from within UI Designer or within Lawson Portal. Both methods are shown below.

If you run Infor Lawson Design Studio in the Infor Amazon Cloud, on-site administrators might not perform this procedure but instead submit an Infor Xtreme ticket for your Infor Amazon Cloud administration team. If you are not sure of procedures at your location, contact your cloud administration team.

To reset the default form in UI Designer

  1. Open the Document Properties dialog box and turn on the Default Presentation property.

    The Document Properties dialog box can be accessed from the Edit Menu, Document Properties or by selecting the Custom button when the Form object is selected in Design Studio. see "Form Object Custom Options" for details about how to make this setting.

  2. When you have changed the Default Presentation setting, save the file.

    From the File menu, click Save As.

  3. Type the name of the form that you want to be the default and click OK.
  4. Click OK at the prompt to save the XML definition of the form.