Changes in the way that invoices and payments are reported have been introduced. One significant change is that the registered name without the corporate regime is now used in the validation of documents along with the RFC number. For example, INFOR MEXICO SOFTWARES rather than INFOR MEXICO SOFTWARES SA DE CV. Ensure that these are accurately published from your ERP. Check your ERP's documentation for other related changes.
The solutions use the LSP Web Services Gateway for communication with Edicom. Migrate to this version if you have not already done so.
Push reporting must also be reconfigured.
CFDI Sales eInvoicing 4.0 output file type is now available.
The output document uses the same translation as Electronic Sales Invoicing v3.3 but there is an additional translation for tax applicability. You can use this additional translation for tax applicability to specify whether the user tax code in your ERP is subject to tax or not, or if it is zero-rated.
CFDI Payments
CFDI Payment Receipts Complement and CFDI Payment to Foreign Supplier version 2.0 are now available.
The new output document CFDI Payment Receipts Complement 2.0 uses the same translations as the current output but there are additional translations for tax codes and tax applicability. The setup for CFDI Payment to Foreign Supplier 2.0 has not changed.