
  • The sequence of the forms in Connectivity under the Administration menu has been updated. Connectivity Inquiry and Connector Recoverability have been renamed to Document Inquiry and Document Recovery, respectively.
  • Proxy Server Setup and Data Migration forms have been removed in Connectivity under the Administration menu. The proxy server setup can now be accessed through the Web Services Gateway form under the Connectivity menu. Accessing Data Migration is a special case in which the customer must contact the Support team if they are required to complete this action item.
  • Users can now download multiple BODs at a time in Utilities > BOD View.
  • Utilities > Rebuilds > Chart of Accounts Period Balance Utility form has been updated. A refresh button has been added to align the account type between the chart of account master data and period movement, and to update null amounts to 0.
  • Accounting Entity Name can now be modified even if the Accounting Entity Status is Active.