
BOD View

BOD View now identifies and reports duplicates and outdated failures.

Some BODs are not shredded into the LSP database because they contain duplicates data or their variationID is lower than the variationID on a previous BOD, both of which are valid errors. These occurrences are now highlighted by their own status rather than under the generic Failed status. For more information, see Database Considerations in the Overview chapter of the Infor Localization Services Platform Configuration and Administration Guide.

Note: This enhancement does not apply to BODs published prior to this release.

Feature Management

Sales Invoice Note Data Conversion, a new Feature Management function, replaces NULL values with blanks for existing invoice notes. Ensure that this option is activated if you publish sales invoices from your ERP.

To use this function, go to Feature Management under Utilities and select the year and month from the Release drop-down list then click Search. Click Activate to run the data conversion.