Default Code

Default codes are used for each document that is used in the output files.

For India, these default codes are available:

Option Notes
Buyer Details Priority For example: BillTo, Customer, ShipTo
Transportation Mode For example: Road, Rail, Air
Vehicle Type For example: Overweight Consignment Cargo, Regular
Auto Generate IRN and eWay Bill For example: EINV - Invoice IRN only, EINV,EWB - Invoice IRN and eWay Bill Number
Refund Claim Select Yes if refunds can be claimed
Refund Claim Tax Select Third if a third party is processing the refund claim or select None if the refund claim is processed from the ERP
Place of Supply You can use this option to set the priority to either BillTo or ShipTo for Place of Supply, when the Place of Supply is different from the ShipTo address.
Empty Location Name Select Yes if there is more than one company or division under a legal entity

See Translation Maintenance.