Recording email submissions

Use this feature to record in LSP the generated output files that are sent through email to their respective submissions bodies.

  1. From the LSP Home page, select the Accounting Entity name from the list.
  2. Select the service type then click Launch.
  3. On the service page, select the generated output file.
  4. Click DOWNLOAD.
  5. Save the XML file.
  6. In the Status field of the generated file, click Ready to Submit.
  7. In the Submission and Confirmation Window, specify this information:
    Recipient's Name
    Specify the name of the recipient.
    Email Address
    Specify the email address.
    Job Position
    Select a job position from the list.
    Optionally, specify additional information.
    Note: The fields and required information may vary depending on your selected service.
  8. Click CLOSE.