Text maintenance

You can use Text Maintenance to add additional text from your ERP into certain elements in the Description blocks of the output message. You can publish Descriptions at header or line level.

Note: This function is supported in TicketBAI and Zuzendu only.
Option Notes
Output Type Select the proprietary format requiring the additional information.
Output Element Select the element of the proprietary format that you require the additional text to go in.
Description Level Select the path that contains the additional information in the sync.invoice BOD:
  • /Factura/DatosFactura/DescripcionFactura
  • /Factura/DatosFactura/DetallesFactura/IDDetalleFactura/DescripcionDetalle
Description Type Specify the Description path at the header level
Language Specify the language in the sync.invoice BOD. This is required if the note in the BOD must be published in multiple languages
Priority Specify the order in which the additional text should be displayed in the output.

For example:

The BOD published from your ERP contains additional text at header, line and item level in the following format:

Description Block in BOD Type Text
Header Type 1 This is header text 1
Header Type 2 This is header text 2
Line Type 1 This is line text 1
Line Type 2 This is line text 2
Item Type 1 This is item text 1
Item Type 2 This is line text 2

If you define the text in Text Maintenance, thus:

Output Type Output Element Description Level Description Type Priority
TicketBAI and Zuzendu DescripcionFactur Header Type 2 1
TicketBAI and Zuzendu DescripcionDetalle Line Type 1 1
TicketBAI and Zuzendu DescripcionDetalle Item Type 1 2
TicketBAI and Zuzendu DescripcionDetalle Line Type 2 3

The additional text in your TicketBAI and Zuzendu is displayed as:

DescripcionFactur This is header text 2
DescripcionDetalle This is line text 1

This is item text 1

This is line text 2