Sii Tax Code
You can use the tax type mapping to group all of the tax codes in a tax type. The total tax amount is found in the output file. See the examples to know the relationship between tax code and tax type, the use of tax type mapping, and how tax type mapping is used in the output messages.
Domestic Invoices
This table shows the output message fields and how they are calculated:
Tax code | Tax type | Tax amount |
TX001 @ 10% | 003 | EUR 1,000 |
TX002 @ 21% | 003 | EUR 2,100 |
Not Exempt | EUR 3,100 |
The Not Exempt value is the total tax amount for tax type 003.
The Spanish message requires the total basis amount and the total basis amount in Euro for each tax percentage on the Invoice.
This table shows available tax types, if you must map other tax types for Domestic Invoices:
Field | Description |
Exempt | Total tax amount for tax type 004 (Exempt Goods and Services) |
Special Regime Recharge | Total tax amount for tax types 011 and 015 (Special Regime Recharge and Equivalence Surcharge) |
Not subject to Tax (Importe porArticulos 7_14) | Total tax amount for tax types 006 and 007 (Articles 7 and 14: Operations not subject to tax and Acquisitions not subject to tax) |
Not subject to Tax (Importe TAIReg;as Localisation) | Total tax amount for tax type 009 (Exempt due to Locality) |
Exports and branches of foreign companies
Tax type mapping is required to split out any taxes that are for Services.
This table shows available fields for Export Services:
Field | Description |
Exempt | Total tax amount for tax type 002 (Export Exempt Service) |
Not Exempt | Total tax amount for tax type 001 (Export Services) |
Not subject to Tax (Importe porArticulos 7_14) | Total tax amount for tax types 005 and 008 (Articles 7 and 14: Service Operations not subject to tax and Service Acquisitions not subject to tax) |
Not subject to Tax (Importe TAIReg;as Localisation) | Total tax amount for tax type 0010 (Services Exempt due to Locality) |
This table shows fields that are used for the non-Service aspect of an Export Invoice:
Field | Description |
Exempt | Total tax amount for tax type 004 (Exempt Goods and Services) |
Not Exempt | Total tax amount for tax type 003 (Goods and Services) |
Special Regime Recharge | Total tax amount for tax types 011 and 015 (Special Regime Recharge and Equivalence Surcharge) |
Not subject to Tax (Importe porArticulos 7_14) | Total tax amount for tax types 006 and 007
(Articles 7 and 14: Operations not subject to tax and Acquisitions not subject to
tax). For substitution: If you select this code, all credit memo documents that are created must supply an original document. The message must include all details, such as the date and amount of the original document. For differences: If you select the code I, the original document details are not required. |
Not subject to Tax (Importe TAIReg;as Localisation) | Total tax amount for tax type 009 (Exempt due to Locality) |