Cancelling a registered invoice using Cancel Invoice Selection

Use Cancel Invoice Selection to cancel, or send a request to cancel a registered invoice from the list of all available invoices for a specified date range.

  1. From the New Report Page, select the CFDI Cancel Invoice output file type.
  2. Click Cancel Invoice Selection.
  3. Specify the Date Range that covers the documents for cancellation.
    Optionally, you can select Invoice Number and specify the invoice number that you require.
  4. Click SEARCH.
  5. Select the Cancel check box for each invoice that is for cancellation from the list.
  6. Specify the Reason for cancelling the invoice:
    • 01 CFDIs issued with errors and with related CFDIs
    • 02 CFDIs issued with errors without related CFDIs
    • 03 The operation was not carried out
    • 04 Registered transaction related to a global invoice
    Note: If you select Reason 1, you must provide a replacement CFDI. It must have the same invoice type as the original document and must have CFDI UUID.

    If the current date is earlier than January 31st, you can cancel from January 1st of the previous year up to the current date. If the current date is on or after January 31st, you can cancel from January 1st of the current year up to the current date.

  7. Click SAVE.
    Note: Ensure that you unmatch the cancelled invoices that are matched. This applies only to replacement invoices with the same invoice type that already has a CFDI UUID.