AR Party Maintenance

This table shows the vendor and customer data that you can configure:

Option Notes
Party ID Specify the SupplierID or CustomerID. This must be the same ID used in your ERP.
Party Type For example: Supplier, Customer.
VAT Report Party Document Code A company or person can have multiple documents. In Argentina, the VAT ID for companies is CUIT for individuals and CUIL.

You can have others documents such as a jurisdiction identification document, CI Santa Fe, a passport, or other documents.

This field indicates the type of document of the subject.

You can find the valid alternatives at the Tipo de Documento table of TABLAS del SISTEMA in the AFIP website.

SICORE Exclusion Percentage Specify the percentage of the amount excluded from the withholding or perception regime.
SICORE Date Publication Or Termination of Validity The effective date of the exclusion percentage.
SICORE Condition Code This is the registered or unregistered status of the subject to whom the withholding or perception was made. For example: None, Enrolled, Not enrolled.
SICORE Withholding Practiced Specify if a withholding is practiced on suspended vendors. For example: None, Article 40 - Clause A, Article 40 - Clause B.
SIPRIB Article Code for Calculation This field indicates the article of the law or the legal ground that supports the withholding calculation.

For example: (Vacío), Art. 5° 1er párrafo (Res. Gral. 15/97 y Modif.), Art. 5° inciso 1 - (Res. Gral. 15/97 y Modif.).

SIPRIB Gross Income Condition This is the vendor status regarding IIBB registration.
SIPRIB VAT Situation This is the vendor status regarding VAT registration (CUIT).

For example: Not applicable, Registered Responsible, Responsible not registered.

SIPRIB Mark Other Inscriptions This is the vendor status regarding other taxes.
SIPRIB Registration and Inspection Right This is the vendor or customer status regarding registration and inspection rights.
SIRE Apply CDI CDI means Double Taxation Agreement.

Bilateral or multilateral Double Taxation Agreements consist of solving the problem that occurs when a natural or legal person is affected by the same taxable event, in two different countries in the same fiscal year. The Double Taxation Agreement signed between Argentina and a country avoids this double tax and regulates the taxation of the profits obtained between the parties involved in each country.

SIRE Alicuota Code The list of tax codes applicable for the party’s country, depending on the application of CDI.

If CDI is not applied, specify the code by referring to Tabla de alícuotas sin CDI in the AFIP website.

If CDI is applied, specify the code by referring to Tabla de alícuotas con CDI in the AFIP website.

SIRE Party Country Code The country where the customer or supplier company is established.
SIRE Party Birthdate Select the date when the company was established.
SIRE Exclusion Regime A person or company can request the authorization of non-withholding of the VAT when the withholdings to suffer may give rise to an excess in the fulfillment of the tax obligation.

This is percentage of the amount that is excluded from Withholding or Perception regimen.

SIRE Exclusion Percentage Specify the percentage of the amount to be excluded from withholding or perception regimen.
SIRE Date Publication Or Termination Of Validity Select the date of publication or termination of validity for exclusion percentage.
SIAGER Multilateral Agreement Taxpayer Select Yes or No.