FE Environment Default Setup

Use this option to configure default values within the environment, specifically addressing the issuance of Auxiliary Electronic Invoice Vouchers and shipment of the container to the recipient.

Option Notes
FE Destination Environment For example: 1 - Production, 2 - Testing
CAFE Generation format For example: 1 - No CAFE generation (The issuer may decide to generate CAFE at any time after the authorization to use FE/Electronic Invoice.), 2 - Paper format, 3 - Letter size paper
Way of delivery of the CAFE to the recipient For example: 1 - No CAFE generation (The issuer may decide to generate CAFE at any time after the authorization to use FE/Electronic Invoice.), 2 - CAFE sent to the receiver in paper format, 3 - CAFE sent to the receiver in electronic format
Shipment of the container to the recipient For example: 1 - Normal, 2 - The receiver exempts the issuer from the obligation to send the container