SDI Reporting
Electronic invoices in Italy are submitted through Sistema di Interscambio (SDI) and must be in the FatturaPA xml format. SDI is an exchange system facilitated by Italian tax authorities to facilitate the electronic invoicing procedure for both public administration (B2G) and busines-to-business (B2B).
Taxpayers must submit the .xml electronic invoices for all the supplies of goods or services rendered between taxable persons that are resident, established or identified, for VAT purposes in Italy. After the file transmission, the transmitter, which is either the company, the enterprise, or authorized intermediary, must wait for the SDI confirmation feedback.
For supported versions, see Infor Localization Services Product Overview.
LSP makes the messages available and ready for submission. Submission to SDI can be automated. As part of the setup, a series of interoperability tests must be performed.
For more details, see Infor Localization Services Platform Configuration and Administration Guide.