New Report

Access the New Report page to generate output files manually.

Parameter Description
Output File Type Select one of these invoices to generate:
  • GST-India Invoice Document
  • Cygnet GSP e-Invoice
  • Cygnet GSP Enriched e-Invoice
Date Range Specify the date and the date format
Invoice Number Select an individual invoice or credit note for Cygnet GSP e-Invoice. The invoice or credit note date must be in the date range entered
Note: LSP excludes Invoice BODs published with the BatchID equal to 1 from the invoice generation. This feature is available to Cygnet GSP e-Invoice and Cygnet GSP Enriched e-Invoice only.

See New report.

Cygnet invoice

The Cygnet invoices communicate directly with Cygnet using the Web Services Gateway.

Note: eWayBill is currently not supported in the Cygnet eInvoicing solution in one for one basic capacity.

GST invoice

Select GST-India Invoice Document to generate .json files and manually upload to IRP. This option supports generation of multiple invoices in a single .json file.

A .zip file is generated if the invoices selected in a date range belongs to multiple GSTINs. Invoices are grouped per .json file according to their GSTIN because logging and manual uploading in GST invoice portal is done per GSTIN.

A file is generated per GSTIN, which is per state. If you operate in three states with one accounting entity, three files are going to be generated.

After the .zip or .json file is generated, you must download and manually upload the output file to the GST invoice portal.

See Submitting output files through a tax authority portal.