Tax Reporting
Proprietary format/Content | Reference |
Register Invoices (SuministroLRFacturasEmitidas) |
1.1 |
Cancel Invoices (BajaLRFacturasEmitidas) |
1.1 |
Register Supplier Invoices (SuministroLRFacturasRecibidas) |
1.1 |
Cancel Supplier Invoices (BajaLRFacturasRecibidas) |
1.1 |
RegisterAsset (SuministroLRBienesInversion) |
1.1 |
Government Response of RegisterAsset (RespuestaLRBienesInversion) |
1.1 |
CancelAsset (BajaLRBienesInversion) |
1.1 |
Government Response of CancelAsset (RespuestaLRBajaBienesInversion) |
1.1 |
RegisterCash (SuministroLRCobrosMetalico) |
1.1 |
Government Response of RegisterCash (RespuestaLRCobrosMetalico) |
1.1 |
CancelCash (BajaLRCobrosMetalico) |
1.1 |
Government Response of CancelCash (RespuestaLRBajaCobrosMetalico) |
1.1 |
RegisterIntracommunity (SuministroLRDetOperacionIntracomunitaria) |
1.1 |
Government Response of RegisterIntracommunity (RespuestaLRDetOperacionIntracomunitaria) |
1.1 |
CancelIntracommunity (BajaLRDetOperacionIntracomunitaria) |
1.1 |
Government Response of Cancel Intracommunity (RespuestaLRBajaDetOperacionIntracomunitaria) |
1.1 |
The Sii functionality allows Invoice and Supplier Invoice details to be electronically registered with the Spanish Tax Authorities.
Data required for Sii is extracted from LSP and produces electronic reports, which are then submitted to the Spanish Tax Authority. These data are extracted:
- Invoice
- Supplier Invoice
- Intracommunity
- Asset Acquisition
- Cash Settlement
Registered Invoice, Supplier Invoices, Assets, Cash, and Intracommunity can also be canceled through the same method.
The service allows inquiries to be made so that the status of registration is ascertained.
Connectivity to the Sii web service is provided through the LSP Webservices Gateway or a stand-alone connector.
These regions are supported:
- Álava
- Biscay
- Gipuzkoa
- Navarra
Proprietary format/Content | Reference |
TicketBAI | 1.2 |
Ticket BAI is a new tax compliance and invoicing system, which allows the Haciendas of the Basque Country to control the income that is produced in all sectors of activity, in order to avoid tax avoidance by companies.
TicketBAI is supported in Álava, Biscay, and Gipuzkoa. Zuzendu (modification/correction) is supported in Álava and Gipuzkoa.
Connectivity is through the LSP Webservices Gateway.
Libros registro de operaciones económicas (LROE)
Proprietary format/Content | Reference |
LROE240 | 1.1 |
LROE240 is a tax compliance function for business-to-business (B2B) invoices, supported in the Biscay region (where the zip code is 48XXX). Using this service, businesses can submit up to 1000 embedded Ticket BAI documents to the tax authority at once.