
Bank Statements

Proprietary format Reference Document flow
Danske camt.054.001.02 Schema: 02

Rulebook: 1.0

NETS LS 2018-10 LCL_BankStatement_DK_NETS_LS_DocumentFlow.xml

Credit Transfers

Proprietary format Reference Code list
Bankdata 2018-03 DK_Bankdata
Bankdata pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 1.2

Bankdata pain.001.001.03 SEPA Schema: 03

Rulebook: 0.3

Danske Foreign 2013-10

Rulebook: 1

Danske Local 2016-11

Rulebook: 4

Danske pain.001.001.03 03

Rulebook: 2.5

Nordea 2012 DK_Nordea
Nordea pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 1.9 (CAP)

SEB pain.001.001.03. 03

Rulebook: 1.1.8


Standard formats

Formats based on Standard ISO20022 pain.001 message are available for these banks:
  • Bankdata
  • Danske
  • SEB
  • Nordea through Corporate Access Payable (CAP)

For other banks not listed, standard pain.001 format is available for use for credit transfer unless there is a specific message required by the bank.

Local formats

  • Bank data - message available is for local and foreign payments (combined). The file is transmitted

    through online banking.

  • Jyske Bank - the same message is used as the Bank data which is one of the largest financial technology companies in Denmark and is owned by 11 Danish Banks (including Jyske Bank).
  • Danske - message available is for local and foreign payments.
  • Nordea - EDI/4 message format is available. The file is transmitted through Unitel EDI.

Debit Transfers

Proprietary format Reference Code list

NETS replaces PBS (Payment Business Services). The format is widely used for Danish Krone direct debits. It is separate from SEPA Euro direct debits.

The standard pain.008 format is available for use for other direct debit requirements unless there is a specific message required by the bank.