
Proprietary format Reference
WSFEV1 - Simplified Invoice 1.0.0
WSFEXV1 - Export Invoice 1.0.0
MTXCAService - Detailed Invoice 1.0.0

The WSFEV1 Simplified Invoice for Argentina is the web service used to authorize domestic or local invoices according to the Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP) regulations. This web service authorizes an invoice to receive the CAE: Electronic Authorization Code, allowing it to be sent to the customer.

Note: AFIP provides an online service where the end customer can view the validity of supplier invoice that has been submitted to AFIP.

The WSFEXV1 Export Invoice of Argentina is a web service of the AFIP for the Special Regime of emission and electronic storage of original vouchers (RG2485), corresponding to Article 4 subsection A of General Resolution 2758/2010.

Subjects that provide services in the country whose use is carried out abroad (export of services) must issue original electronic vouchers as:
  • Export invoices class "E"
  • Credit notes and debit notes class "E"

You can submit the e-invoice through these systems:

  • RECL system for a small company, manual submission
  • RECE system for a big company, automatic submission through web services

MTXCAService is an AFIP web service for the Special Regime for the issuance and electronic storage of original vouchers that support the operations of sale of movable things, locations, and services, corresponding to Resolution General Resolution 2904/2010 Art.4 Option A. This web service includes internal market operations (Invoices A and B) and CAE Anticipado. This is a detailed invoice format. Connectivity to the AFIP web service is through the LSP Webservices Gateway.

This function is under a limited availability release.