
Bank Statements

Proprietary format Reference Document flow
BankGiro 2007-11 LCL_BankStatement_SE_BankGiro_DocumentFlow
BankGiro MAX 2014 LCL_BankStatement_SE_PlusGiro_DocumentFlow
PlusGiro 2014 LCL_BankStatement_SE_BankGiro_MAX_DocumentFlow
PlusGiro Total_IN 2014 LCL_BankStatement_SE_PlusGiro_Total_IN_DocumentFlow

BankGiro is a Norwegian giro system used by all banks in the country. Bankgirot is the corresponding Swedish system. It is a proprietary clearing system (a giro) in Sweden used for transactions such as bill payments. It is owned by Swedish banks. The clearing system is connected with the banks, enabling payments to be received directly into bank accounts. Swedish Bankgiro numbers are in principle only short versions of bank account numbers. They have seven or eight digits. Bankgiro numbers cannot be used when paying from other countries or in other currencies than SEK. Instead, the IBAN number of the actual bank account should be used.

PlusGirot (formerly PostGirot) is a Swedish money transaction system, owned by Nordea. PlusGirot is one of two proprietary clearing systems used for regular transactions such as bill payments in Sweden. Postgirot, was developed by Posten, the Swedish postal service, and for a long time, it was wholly separate from the banking system, which made transfers between the two systems difficult. The competing system, Bankgirot, was owned and operated by the banks.

BankGiro MAX or BG Max is the format that is required to support Bankgiro Inbetalningar (Bankgiro Receivables). Bankgiro Inbetalningar (Bankgiro Receivables) is available from BankGiroCentralen, a payment provider in Sweden.

Total IN is a service available to companies aiming to simplify the reconciliation of incoming payments. Total IN include all in-payments to PlusGiro, Bankgiro, and incoming cross-border payments to one single file for automatic reconciliation of the customer sales ledger. All transactions, including images from document-based payments to PlusGiro and Bankgiro, are available with the Total IN Internet interface which is included in the services.

Credit Transfers

Proprietary format Reference Code list
BankGiro Foreign 2017-12 SE_BankGiro_Foreign
BankGiro Local 2017-12 SE_BankGiro_Local
Danske pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 1.7

DNB pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 1.5

Handelsbanken pain.001.001.03 Schema: 1.0.8

Rulebook: 1.7.6

Nordea pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 2.6 (Corporate eGateway)

Rulebook: 2.0 (Corporate Access Payables)

PlusGiro CFP Foreign 2017-01 SE_PlusGiro_CFP_Foreign
PlusGiro CFP Local 2017-01 SE_PlusGiro_CFP_Local
SEB pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 18.2

Swedbank pain.001.001.03 Schema: 03

Rulebook: 15.02.01 (v2021.11)


The Bankgirot system is a network for credit transfers between accounts held at the commercial banks. Funds are transferred between bank accounts by means of a giro number, which is not an account number but an address indicating a bank account. The Bankgirot is also an open interbank system for the processing of payments and payment information.

PlusGirot is a credit transfer function, which is part of Nordea, and used for mediating payments between accounts held by companies and individuals. Payments between the plusgiro accounts take place through transfer within a ledger in Nordea. Payments from other banks to plusgiro accounts are settled in RIX.

Debit Transfers

Proprietary format Reference Code list
BankGiro 2016 SE_BankGiro
PlusGiro 2007 SE_PlusGiro

Direct Debit (Bg Autogiro) is based on a mandate between company and customer for payment to be automatically deducted based on agreement. Payments are made automatically on the due date. This means it is easier to keep a check on cash flow because you are paid on time, while at the same time your customers do not need to keep track of bills and due dates or risk late payment charges.

The PlusGiro account enables crediting/depositing into account the amounts stated on submitted BankGiro/PlusGiro payment slips and money orders issued to the customer as sent to the bank by the account holder