Credit Transfers
Proprietary format | Reference | Code list |
Pago a Proveedres un cargo un abono BmxOtrosbancos INTERBANCARIOS (CitiBanamex Interbank) | 1 | MX_CitiBanamex_Interbank |
Pago a Proveedores un cargo un abono Ctas Banamex a Banamex (CitiBanamex Intrabank) | 1 | MX_CitiBanamex_Intrabank |
The operations of Grupo Financiero Banamex have been incorporated into the Mexican company of Citibank under the brand Banamex.
There are two formats under CitiBanamex Mexico: Interbank and Intrabank. Interbank is for when payments are made to suppliers that use a different bank other than CitiBanamex. Intrabank is for when payments are made to suppliers that also use CitiBanamex.