
This table shows the solution to the errors you can encounter during setup:

Error Symptom Cause Solution
Unable to access HMRC Processing stops. A log is written showing that you are no longer authorized to HMRC. A valid token is only active for 18 months. Re-run the steps in Grant authorization access.
Invalid period returned from HMRC Processing stops in a test environment. Invalid Period message is returned. HMRC only allows test data from 2017 to be submitted. Correct the year in the XML and retry.
Error returned from HMRC Invalid Period message is returned. HMRC only allows one period to be submitted for a given test user. Change the period in the XML and retry. If you have run out of periods then create a new test user.
Client and/or agent is not authorized Registration has not yet been completed. Error message returned in response from HMRC. Complete the registration process as described above. If you have done this task, you can revisit the tax ID you are using. The company tax ID is for production only and the fictitious tax registration supplied by HMRC must be used for the sandbox.
Stuck in Sent Sent. Stuck in Sent. Check the ION API or LSP setup if already existing and verify if it is set up correctly. Check if the Authorization Code was also applied.