Setting up ION API

Prerequisite: Perform steps in Integration to ION API.
  1. In the ION API Setup form, click ION API Setup.
  2. In the ION API Servers form, click Suites.
    Note:  If you are using multiple suites for different accounting entities, you will need to perform steps 8 to 13 for each accounting entity. Right-click anywhere on the ION API Suites form and select New, to create new ION API Suites for the second and subsequent accounting entities.
  3. In the ION API Suites form, specify this information:
    Field Note
    Name Specify the suite name. For example, <Country> APIs.
    Description Specify a description for the ION API.
    Context The value should be CustomerAPI/ concatenated with the API Context on the API suite as defined in ION API. Unless anything was updated or changed on the API Suite in the ION API, the complete value should be CustomerApi/<countrycode> Govt/.
    Note: Ensure to end the context with a forward slash ('/').
  4. Right-click anywhere on the form and select Save.
  5. Click Methods to configure the ION API methods needed.
  6. In the ION API Methods form, create the methods specified according to country:
    Table 1. United Kingdom
    HTTP method Method name Path
    POST Submit VAT Return VAT/{0}/returns
    GET Token Token
    GET Retrieve VAT Obligations VAT/{0}/obligations?from={1}&to={2}&status={3}
    GET Retrieve VAT Liabilities VATLiabilities/{0}/liabilities?from={1}&to={2}
    GET Retrieve VAT Payments VATPayments/{0}/payments?from={1}&to={2}
    GET View VAT Return VAT/{0}/returns/{1}
  7. Right click anywhere on the form and click Save.
  8. Close the form.
    Note: If you are using multiple suites for different accounting entities, right-click anywhere on the ION API Suites form and select New, then repeat steps 1 to 8. Otherwise, close the ION API Suites and ION API Servers forms then proceed with the next step.
  9. Return to the ION API Setup form and specify this information:
    Field Note
    Server URL Specify the Server URL.
    ION API Setup Select the ION API Suite appropriate to the connector you are setting up.
  10. Click Add Setup.
  11. Select the server URL from the first drop-down list and the created ION API suite from the second drop-down list. Click Add Setup.
    The setup is added in the table.
  12. Select the added row and click Set To Active.
  13. Close the ION API Setup form.
    Note: If you opt to use the test and production version of the suite in a single ION API application, you need to create two alternating suites for test and production by repeating the above steps. Switch between the two by selecting the suite in the ION API setup window then click Set to Active.