Outbound from ERP to LSP
Base BODs
- Sync.FinancialCalendar
- Sync.AccountingChart
Master data
- Sync.CodeDefinition
- Sync.AssetMaster
- Sync.ChartOfAccounts
- Sync.FinancialPartyMaster
- Sync.CustomerPartyMaster
- Sync.ItemMaster
- Sync.Location
- Sync.ShipFromPartyMaster
- Sync.ShipToPartyMaster
- Sync.SupplierPartyMaster
- Sync.BillFromPartyMaster
- Sync.BillToPartyMaster
- Sync.ContactMaster
- Sync.PayFromPartyMaster
- Sync.RemitToPartyMaster
Note: All of these BODs are supported by
the Show verb and will be shredded into LSP regardless of
subscriptions if they have been defined in the document flow.
Transactional data
- Sync.InventoryAdjustment
- Sync.InventoryCount
- Sync.InventoryHold
- Sync.Invoice
- Sync.LCLTaxReport
- Sync.AssetTransaction
- Sync.PayableTransaction
- Sync.ReceivableTransaction
- Sync.PayableTracker
- Sync.ReceivableTracker
- Sync.ReceiveDelivery
- Sync.Shipment
- Sync.SourceSystemGLMovement
- Sync.SourceSystemJournalEntry
- Sync.SupplierInvoice
- Sync.InboundInvoice
Note: These BODs will only be shredded
into LSP if a service exists that uses it.