Downloading templates and data

  1. Select Utilities > Mass Data Management.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Click Templates to display a list of all templates that are supported.
  4. Select a template:
    To download with data:
    1. Select the Include data
    2. Click Download to display the Download Filter form.

      You can specify the criteria for the data to be downloaded in this form. check box beside the selected table name.

    3. Specify the information for the conditions:
      Field 1
      Select a data element from the drop drown list.
      Field 2
      Select an operator from the drop down list.
      Field 3
      Specify the condition to be met. Enclose the data with single quotes.

      Click Add.

      You can add more criteria for further granularity. This a joined together to make a single SQL statement using the AND conjunction.

      Alternately you can free type in the SQL you wish to run. For example if you specify NAME like 'Jones%' AND PostalCountryCode = 'USA' then all customers with a name Jones in the United States will be downloaded.

    To download the template only:
    Click Download.
  5. Click Refresh.
  6. Click Download icon beside the new record.
  7. Follow the instructions in the Read Me file from the downloaded zip file.
    If the downloaded template does not have data, then all elements will be set to "". You can use this to create new details to be uploaded into LSP
    If the downloaded template contains data, take note of these details:
    • Note: A RowPointer element in column 1 is already available. This must not be altered under any circumstances. Otherwise, you will corrupt the database.
    • Only data elements which do not form the key can be amended. Keys are indicated by an * in the header.

      For example: You have a line with these details: TenantID = 'ABC_PRD', AccountingEntity = 'ABC' and CustomerID = 'ABC' Name = 'ABC Company'. You change the line to read: TenantID = '123_PRD', AccountingEntity = '123' and CustomerID = '123' Name = '123 Company'. The resultant information would be help on LSP: TenantID = 'ABC_PRD', AccountingEntity = 'ABC' and CustomerID = 'ABC' Name = '123 Company'.

    • New details can be added to the bottom of this spreadsheet. Leave the RowPointer blank and input the data elements to match those on the existing records.
    • Only some basic validation is done on the data uploaded.