Adding a Tax Representative

Prerequisite: Enable this feature in Feature management.

You can use this option to add and maintain the tax representative details against an accounting entity. This enables the reporting of taxable transactions made by foreign suppliers to certain European countries to be reported to the appropriate authority by a tax representative, without that foreign company having to set up a subsidiary company within the European Union.

  1. On the accordion panel to the left, select Accounting Entity Maintenance.
  2. Select the accounting entity from the list.
  3. Click Add Tax Representative.
  4. Fill the Tax Representative details, then click Save.
    Note: The transaction BOD you are sending with the Tax Representative block is validated against the Tax ID and scheme ID populated in this form. If the BOD has no Tax Representative block or does not match the details here, the transaction will be treated as part of the main accounting entity.
  5. In the accounting entity details, the accounting entity is concatenated with + and an incremental number. The company and accounting information is inherited from the main AE and are not editable. The remaining details in the screen are editable.
  6. Click Save.

    LSP treats this as a separate entity. You must assign this to users and configure every setup necessary, just like creating a new accounting entity.

    You can find the feedback (Process BOD) generated from this entity under the main AE.