No request or response created

There are instances that no request or response was created and that the status is stuck in Awaiting Confirmation, Systems Error, or Forwarded.

Missing XML header

The generated XMLs from OGS should contain XML headers when submitting to the connector. For example, the version and encoding.


Ensure that the certificates are loaded and activated correctly in ION API and in LSP. Some countries also use the certificates and the cryptography together. If the certificate is not loaded correctly, it may error out in the cryptography process.

Missing cryptography setup or not running, missing certificate or valid certificate and credentials

Localization Cryptography Service must be installed correctly and should be running.

Port number in LCS_LST_APP_parameters table does not match the port number installed

The port number in the Value column must match the installed port number. For example, if the port number in the Values column is 8080, it must be the same as in the Configuration.json file in the Localization Cryptography Service installation folder.

Use this code to update the port number in SQL:
set Value = 'http://localhost:updatePortNumberHere/'
Where Value = 'http://localhost:8080/'
Note: This only applies to on-premises installation as the cloud automatically generates the correct ports.

LSP ION API configuration

Ensure that an active ION API Suite is configured in LSP.

In Connector Setup v1, an Active ION API Suite must be defined.

In Connector Setup v2, the Status must be OK.