
The document type LCL_ProprietaryDocument is used to archive proprietary files in IDM in the form that the file was created or received by LSP.

These attributes are available in the document type LCL_ProprietaryDocument:

Attribute name Description
Accounting Entity Accounting entity of the created proprietary file
Location Location
LSP ID Unique identity of the proprietary file which references the LSP database
Proprietary Format Name Name of the proprietary format to be used for searching all files in an easier way in IDM
BOD Reference Noun Name of the noun that triggers the proprietary format, or created from the proprietary file, for example, Invoice, ReceivableTracker, and SupplierInvoice
BOD Reference Document ID Document ID from the BOD
External ID Document ID of the proprietary file, which serves as the external identity used to make the proprietary file unique
Direction Indicates the process direction of the proprietary file.

Valid values are:

  • "Incoming" for proprietary files that are received from an external party
  • "Outgoing" for proprietary files that are created and then sent to an external party

The attributes Accounting Entity, Location, BOD Reference Noun, BOD Reference ID and/or External ID are used by an Infor application to retrieve the document from IDM. The Format name attribute is currently not in use.

The attributes below are for internal use and used by LSP/Mongoose to add/retrieve the document in IDM:

Attribute name Description
Mongoose File Key
Tenant ID
Site ID
Search Depth
Mongoose Document Type