Creating a test account

Note: Anyone can access the HMRC sandbox without registering. However, there is a restriction in the number of tests you can submit per period for a given user. The HMRC test sandbox mimics the production system but only allows returns to be submitted for the year 2017. Each submission must be for a unique period, just as it would be in production. You can re-submit a VAT return using the same period as a previous submission by generating a new sandbox user and Tax ID.

Perform these steps to get a test VAT number from HMRC which serves as a valid access token for your test system. The token is valid for 18 months.

  1. Navigate to
    Note: Ensure that there are no blank spaces when copying and pasting the link to your browser.
    Review the details in the Authority to interact with HMRC on your behalf page. Click Continue.
    1. On the What you will need page, click Sign in to Government Gateway.
  2. On the Sign in page, click Don’t have Test User Credentials.
  3. On the Create a test user page, select Organisation and click Continue.
    The Generated organisation page is displayed.
  4. Take note of the test User ID, Password, and VAT registration number provided by HMRC.
  5. Optionally, you can add the VAT registration number into the appropriate place in your ERP so that all BODs published will contain the correct VAT registration number for your sandbox user.
  6. Update the VAT registration number in Accounting Entity Maintenance. Add the Tax Identification in Configuring Identifiers.