Adding Non-Infor Ming.le users to LSP

Infor recommends using Infor Ming.le as the portal to LSP so that users and their security settings are shared between all Infor applications. You can set up LSP outside of Infor Ming.le. Perform these steps to create a user for this instance:
Note: These instructions are applicable for on-premises deployments only.
  1. Navigate to http://<server_name>/WSWebClient/WSWebForm.aspx.
  2. Log in as sa and select the configuration.
  3. Select Form > Open.
  4. Search for the Users form and click OK.
  5. Filter in place or press F4.
  6. Create a new user by clicking the add icon.
    Alternatively, right-click anywhere and click New.
  7. Specify the information for these fields:
    Field Note
    Username Specify a username
    User Description Specify a description
    User Password Specify a password
    Confirm Password Confirm your password
    Editing Permission Set to Basic
  8. Under Groups, add the appropriate role for the user. See User groups for the role descriptions.
  9. Click Save.