Sending invoice details to Ticket BAI
Prerequisite: Certificate uploaded in Certificate and Key Store.
Invoices details generated in LSP must be sent to Ticket BAI through the Web Services Gateway.
Note: To communicate with Ticket BAI, you must select the
output type Ticket BAI and provide a certificate.
Cryptography is also required for this service. This is automatically set up in cloud. To set up the on-premise environment, see Localization cryptography service setup for on-premise.
Infor is a registered software provider. The details can be found in Settings > Ticket BAI registration. See the Infor Localization Services Platform User Guide for details on how to set up the accounting entity for this.
Note: If you need to send the invoices to a particular
region, you must provide the zip code in Accounting Entity Maintenance. The region is
determined by the first two digits of the zip code. Otherwise, it is sent to central tax
agency. A notification is displayed on the page after setting up the Web Services Gateway to
confirm the region.