Syncing LSP User group's LogicalID to Infor Ming.le

It is important to sync LSP user group's logicalID to Infor Ming.le to add this to the current roles in Infor Ming.le.

Prerequisite: Connecting to Infor Ming.le

  1. Login as administrator in your database server.
  2. Run this script in your LSP database:
    DECLARE @TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp_RP AS RowPointer = NULL, @SiteName NVARCHAR(64)
    SELECT TOP 1 @SiteName = Site FROM site_hierarchy ORDER BY CreateDate ASC
    EXECUTE [dbo].[InitSession2Sp] null , '' , '' , @SiteName
    SELECT TOP 1 @TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp_RP = [RowPointer] FROM [dbo].[ReplDocOutbound] rdo
    Where rdo.[AppliesToIDOAction] = 'Invoke' AND 
            rdo.[AppliesToIDOMethodName] = 'TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp' AND
            rdo.[DocumentName] = 'SecurityRoleMaster' AND rdo.[BODNoun] = 'SecurityRoleMaster' AND
            rdo.[BODVerb] = 'Sync' AND rdo.[ActiveForManualRequest] = 1
    IF ISNULL(CONCAT(@TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp_RP,''), '') <> ''
        EXEC [dbo].ReplDocManualRequestUtilitySp @OutboundRowPointer=@TriggerSecurityRoleMasterSyncSp_RP,@InitialLoadUpdate='U', @Infobar=''
    This script would send Sync.SecurityRoleMaster BOD to Infor Ming.le.