Sending invoices to ITA

Note: This function is available under a limited availability release only. Contact Infor Support if your ERP has adopted this function and you are interested in working with us to complete out the solution.

You must send invoices generated in LSP to the Israel Tax Authority or ITA through the Web Services Gateway. When registering with ITA, we recommend using a representative with a tax ID during submission.

Note: To establish a successful connection with ITA and avoid errors, you must install LSP in a machine within Israel and use an Israel IP address.

For cloud solutions, we recommend to use a hybrid setup. In this setup, the ERP cloud solution will connect to an on-premise LSP that is residing within Israel through ION. The submission is then triggered by a SyncInvoice BOD from the ERP, then the response will be sent back by LSP through the Process BOD.

Israel connetivity small

Before switching to a production environment, modify the endpoint setup in Web Services Gateway as it currently has the same endpoints as the test environment.

To communicate with ITA, you must provide these details:

  • Client-ID
  • Client-Secret