NO DNB/Sparebanken pain.001.001.03 CreditTransfer
Code | Name | Definition |
AUTH | PreAuthorisedFile | Indicates a file has been pre-authorised or approved within the originating customer environment and no further approval is required |
FDET | FileLevelAuthorisationDetails | Indicates that a file requires additional file level approval, with the ability to view both the payment information block and supporting customer credit transaction detail |
FSUM | FileLevelAuthorisationSummary | Indicates that a file requires additional file level approval, with the ability to view only the payment information block level information. |
ILEV | InstructionLevelAuthorisation | Indicates that a file requires all customer transactions to be authorised or approved |
Code | Name | Definition |
BKTR | Book Transaction | Payment is through internal book transfer. |
NUGP | Non-urgent Priority Payment | Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction with priority settlement. |
NURG | Non-urgent Payment | Payment must be executed as a non-urgent transaction, which is typically identified as an ACH or low value transaction. |
PRPT | EBAPriorityService | Transaction must be processed according to the EBA Priority Service. |
SDVA | SameDayValue | Payment must be executed with same day value to the creditor. |
SEPA | SingleEuroPaymentsArea | Payment must be executed following the Single Euro Payments Area scheme. |
SVDE | Domestic Cheque Clearing and Settlement | Payment execution following the cheque agreement and traveller cheque agreement of the German Banking Industry Committee (Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft - DK) and Deutsche Bundesbank – Scheck Verrechnung Deutschland. |
URGP | Urgent Payment | Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time gross settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high value transaction. |
URNS | Urgent Payment Net Settlement | Payment must be executed as an urgent transaction cleared through a real-time net settlement system, which is typically identified as a wire or high-value transaction. |
Code | Description |
AGRD | Agreed Exchange rate applied is the rate agreed between the parties. |
SALE | Sale Exchange rate applied is the market rate at the time of the sale. |
SPOT | Spot Exchange rate applied is the spot rate. |
Code | Description | Name | Definition |
CRED | Creditor | BorneByCreditor | All transaction charges are to be borne by the creditor. |
DEBT | Debtor | BorneByDebtor | All transaction charges are to be borne by the debtor. |
SHAR | Shared | Shared | In a credit transfer context, this means that transaction charges on the sender side are to be borne by the debtor, transaction charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the creditor. In a direct debit context, this means that transaction charges on the sender side are to be borne by the creditor, transaction charges on the receiver side are to be borne by the debtor. |
SLEV | ServiceLevel | FollowingServiceLevel | Charges are to be applied following the rules agreed in the service level and/or scheme. |
Code | Description |
MLCD | MailToCreditor Cheque is to be sent through mail services to creditor. |
MLDB | MailToDebtor Cheque is to be sent through mail services to debtor. |
PUDB | PickUpByDebtor Cheque will be picked up by the debtor. |
Code | Description |
CHQB | (Ultimate) creditor must be paid by cheque. |
HOLD | Amount of money must be held for the (ultimate) creditor, who will call. Pay on identification. |
PHOB | Please advise/contact (ultimate) creditor/claimant by phone. |
TELB | Please advise/contact (ultimate) creditor/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication. |
Code | Description | Definition | Country |
ATBLZ | Austrian Bankleitzahl | Bank Branch code used in Austria | Austria |
AUBSB | Australian Bank State Branch Code (BSB) | Bank Branch code used in Australia | Australia |
CACPA | Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number | Bank Branch code used in Canada | Canada |
CHBCC | Swiss Financial Institution Identification (short) | Financial Institution Identification (IID) used in Switzerland, without check digit | Switzerland |
CHSIC | Swiss Financial Institution Identification (long) | Financial Institution Identification (IID) used in Switzerland, including check digit | Switzerland |
CNAPS | CNAPS Identifier | Bank Branch code used in China | China |
DEBLZ | Z German Bankleitzahl | Bank Branch code used in Germany | Germany |
ESNCC | Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code | Bank Branch code used in Spain | Spain |
GBDSC | UK Domestic Sort Code | Bank Branch code used in the UK | UK |
GRBIC | Helenic Bank Identification Code | Bank Branch code used in Greece | Greece |
HKNCC | Hong Kong Bank Code | Bank Branch code used in Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
IENCC | Irish National Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in Ireland | Ireland |
INFSC | Indian Financial System Code | Bank Branch code used in India | India |
ITNCC | Italian Domestic Identification Code | Bank Branch code used in Italy | Italy |
JPZGN | Japan Zengin Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in Japan | Japan |
NZNCC | New Zealand National Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in New Zealand | New Zealand |
PLKNR | Polish National Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in Poland | Poland |
PTNCC | Portuguese National Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in Portugal | Portugal |
RUCBC | Russian Central Bank Identification Code | Bank Branch code used in Russia | Russia |
SESBA | Sweden Bankgiro Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in Sweden | Sweden |
SGIBG | IBG Sort Code | Bank Branch code used in Singapore | Singapore |
THCBC | Thai Central Bank Identification Code | Bank Identification code used in Thailand | Thailand |
TWNCC | Financial Institution Code | Bank Branch code used in Taiwan | Taiwan |
USABA | United States Routing Number (Fedwire, NACHA) | Routing Transit number assigned by the ABA for US financial institutions | US |
USPID | CHIPS Participant Identifier | Bank identifier used by CHIPs in the US | US |
ZANCC | South African National Clearing Code | Bank Branch code used in South Africa | South Africa |
Code | Description | Description |
14 | Kjøp/salg av varer | Purchase/sale of goods |
26 | Leie | Rent |
29 | Annet kjøp/salg av tjenester | Other services (not rent) |
31 | Renter | Interest |
35 | Utbytte | Dividend |
38 | Annen kapitalavkastning | Other capital gain |
41 | Kjøp/salg av fast eiendom | Purchase/sale of real estate |
43 | Direkteinvesteringer i aksjer | Direct investment in equities |
45 | Direkteinvesteringer i annen kapital | Direct investment in other kinds of capital investments |
51 | Porteføljeinvesteringer i aksjer og verdipapirfondsandeler | Portfolio investment in equities and mutual fund units |
52 | Porteføljeinvesteringer i obligasjoner og sertifikater | Portfolio investment in bonds and certificates |
53 | Porteføljeinvesteringer i derivater | Portfolio investment in derivatives |
71 | Livsforsikring/pensjon | Life insurance/pension |
79 | Andre finansinvesteringer | Other financial investments |
81 | Lønn | Salary/wages |
82 | Arv, gave, egne midler | Inheritance, gifts etc. |
Code | Description | Description |
DISP | DispatchAdvice | Document is a dispatch advice. |
FXDR | ForeignExchangeDealReference | Document is a pre-agreed or pre-arranged foreign exchange transaction to which the payment transaction refers. |
PUOR | PurchaseOrder | Document is a purchase order. |
RADM | RemittanceAdviceMessage | Document is a remittance advice sent separately from the current transaction. |
RPIN | RelatedPaymentInstruction | Document is a linked payment instruction to which the current payment instruction is related, for example, in a cover scenario. |
SCOR | StructuredCommunicationReference | Document is a structured communication reference provided by the creditor to identify the referred transaction. |
Input | Description |
INTC | IntraCompanyPayment |
PENS | PensionPayment |
SALA | SalaryPayment |
TREA | TreasuryPayment |
CASH | CashManagementTransfer |